AbbVie is providing this service to help patients find dermatologists in their area.
No fees have been received by AbbVie or paid to dermatologists for inclusion in this locator directory. Inclusion of a healthcare professional in this directory does not represent an endorsement by or a recommendation from AbbVie regarding the qualifications of or medical care provided by the healthcare professional.
You are ultimately responsible for the selection of a healthcare professional and it is an important decision that you should consider carefully. This locator is just one source of information available to you and AbbVie makes no guarantees that using this tool to locate a healthcare professional will result in your desired outcome. If you elect to proceed to book an online appointment or a telehealth appointment using this locator, you will be prompted to proceed to a third-party site operated by Doctor.com and AbbVie and its affiliates disclaim any liability from your use or reliance on the information contained on Doctor.com.